Free digital signature for microsoft word
Free digital signature for microsoft word

free digital signature for microsoft word
  1. #Free digital signature for microsoft word software
  2. #Free digital signature for microsoft word download

You need first to create the document, sign it electronically, then send it, possibly to dozens of recipients. Imagine that your company wants to send a business proposal to potential clients or prospects. Documents are signed to agree to the contents of the doc and add legitimacy, which often means they need to be sent to other intended recipients.

#Free digital signature for microsoft word software

The biggest limitation of using Word is that it can’t do what other software can do after you collect a signature. Word is not designed as electronic signature software, and while it can be used to add signatures digitally, there are some gaps in functionality that limit its potential benefits. Limitations of using Word for electronic signatures

free digital signature for microsoft word

You’ll then need to save the document and sent it back to the sender, which only wastes time and potentially opens up room for human error.

#Free digital signature for microsoft word download

Every person who’s signing the document will need to download the document, open it in Word, and follow step 4 to add their signature or print and hand-sign it. While it’s entirely possible to eSign documents using Word, the signature setup can be a convoluted process. Or type a printed version of your name directly into the box.Alternatively, if you’re using a touch screen, you can hand draw your signature into the box.Click “Select Image” to choose an image of a signature that you have already saved.Right click on the signature box in the document. Complete the fields about signature details in the setup box that pops up and select your preferences for the signature box.Ĥ. Go to the Insert tab and under “ Text” click “ Signature List,” followed by “ Microsoft Office Signature Line“.ģ. Place the cursor where you’d like your signature line to go in your Word document.Ģ. However, while this may be the most obvious benefit, be sure your organization can indeed support the use-case of electronic signatures before moving forward with a solution.įollow these necessary steps to add electronic signatures to a Microsoft Word document (these steps apply to Microsoft Word versions 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and Word in Office 365):ġ. The main advantage of adding electronic signatures to your Word documents is that most already use the software to create and edit their documents.

free digital signature for microsoft word

Because it is so widely used, many people choose to add eSignatures to documents in Word to increase the speed of their document processes. Microsoft Word is the universal word processing software used by businesses and individuals across the world to create documents. Why add an electronic signature with Microsoft Word? They can also be encrypted, so it’s safe to use them even in critical and sensitive documents. When used properly, a digital signature is also legally binding in the same way as a real signature. Teams like sales teams, contract managers and just about any business owner or administrator can profoundly benefit from their use. eSignatures only need to be created once, and then can be added quickly and easily to any future document.Į-signatures are significant for anyone needing to send out signed documents frequently. Why use electronic signatures?Į-signatures are a lot faster to use than traditional signatures since you don’t need to print, physically sign, and then scan a document back to the sender.

free digital signature for microsoft word

Like a standard handwritten signature, electronic signatures are mostly there to serve as proof that the signer has approved the document in question.īesides, many people find that eSignatures make documents look more professional, which is very important when trying to project the right image in the business world. What is an electronic signature?Īn electronic signature also knows as an eSignature, is merely a digitalized form of a traditional physical signature, making it easier to sign documents. Microsoft Word has a handy built-in feature that allows users to create and add electronic signatures documents.ĭespite its popularity, however, Word is somewhat limited concerning wider functionality when it comes to electronic signatures – making Word an outdated software choice for many organizations, who could benefit from a switch to more dedicated eSigning platforms such as PandaDoc and DocuSign.

Free digital signature for microsoft word